At nearly 65 years old, and during 40 years, Paul has produced a lot. Exhibitions of his paintings are declining, the last one having taken place in the Carlton Hotel at Cannes in 1966 in the company of other artists (Toulouse-Lautrec and Jean-Gabriel Domergue).
But n°7, octobre 1969 - le suédois Roger Magnusson (OM)
Il participe à la renaissance de l'hebdomadaire But en 1969, et dessine encore quelques footballeurs vedettes du championnat de France. Malade, il décède le 15 octobre 1969. Ses dessins continuent de paraître encore quelques semaines après sa mort.
He participates in the revival of the weekly magazine « But » in 1969, still designing a few star footballers from the French championships. Unwell, he passes away on October 15th 1969. His drawings are still published weeks after his death.
Boite de jeu des 7 familles, Ed. Fernand Nathan, début des années 60